• New Jersey Immunization Information System (NJIIS)
- This is a statewide database and surveillance system that tracks vaccine data for infants, adolescents and adults. All children born in NJ on or after January 1, 1998 are automatically enrolled via electronic birth certificate and “parental consent.”
- Senate Bill S1956 sponsored by Senator Joseph Vitale aims to make enrollment in the NJIIS automatic for all ages. Individuals would need to opt-out rather than opt-in with consent. The bill would also give the Commissioner of Health the right to deny anyone the ability to opt-out under the threat of an outbreak.
- According to the NJIIIS FAQs, in addition to keeping a consolidated record of all vaccines administered, the system, “assists state and federal agencies with population assessments in the event of a preventable disease outbreak and helps communities assess their immunization coverage and identify pockets of need.”
• Form to withdraw from the NJIIS
Print copy, complete and mail to the address at the top of the form